The following poems were written as a tribute to my grandmother....
Filtered memories bring rich images 
of a time long ago when I knew how to fly. 
Soaring among the succulent grapes on their sweet vines 
When I was but a child with much to learn 

Fleeting remembrances of swinging higher 
of reaching for secret treasures amongst the fruit. 
Lifting my soul to touch the sky on wings of fairies 
When I was but a child with much to hide. 

Forgotten visions of the ballerina dancers... 
of lying for hours amongst the sweet blossoms. 
Wishing to join the delicate magic 
When i was just a child with much to escape 

Fragmented dreams of a childhood lost
of pretending to be be what i was not.
longing to know the freedom of the magic 
when i was just a person with much to learn... 

My grandmother was a very special woman.  She had a magical garden with every type of flower imaginable which made her even more special... 
Dainty pink ballerinas
dance above me in the sky
delicate whispers of innocence
Oh, to dance like them
pirouetting ever more....
Grandma's Lawn
Countless hours on the lawn
Rather the field of clovers....
plucking each green strand
that dares to grow there!

How meticulous she was
vainly plucking out the grass
persistently trying to perpetuate
the growth of clovers in mass.

The ballerina fairies that mesmerized me in all actuality were really fuchsia in hanging baskets.  I would lie on my back for hours - imagination running wild!
See my wings unfolding
testing them for strength?
Delicate instruments.
My old wings were great
when I was a child,
But now I need new ones
If I am ever going to soar again!
Grandma was my refuge 
with her magical gardens 
stocked with fairies and elves 
and fragrant dreams of love. 

How I long to return to her 
and walk amongst the secrets 
filled with hope and solace 
and special moments of love. 

Floating through space
I fall freely
towards an unknown fate...
enveloped in the dream
of finding my way.

Grandma had a special place
She made it just for me
Filled with magical trinkets
'twas a wonderful treasury

"Don't tell anyone Chattie
This is just our secret!"

If I tell you - am I naughty?

Black iron mechanical bank
        Punch and Judy at its best
Geranimo's fine beaded cane
        Had he really been a guest?
Little wooden shoes and cute hat
         Almost better than the rest!

"Don't tell anyone Chattie
I made this just for you!"

Now I told you - so I'm naughty?

Grandma had a special love
She knew just what to do
Filled me with a kind of magic
That made my dreams come true!

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