Poems on this page were written July, 1998
with slight revisions 4/99

I buried us today
picked up the shattered pieces
of our lives 
and safely tucked them away.
somewhere in my life i learned
that love was bad and hurt.
but, for one brief glimmering instant
i tasted the sweetness 
savored it, 
as it devoured my soul
i felt the warmth and glory
that comes with finally finding that which you never had.
for that tender moment of time
you filled me
with the richness of your essence 
 the magic of your soul.

I buried us today
in my feeble attempt
to find some semblance of reality.
some hope for the future, 
some glimpse of something
far greater
waiting  to sweep in
and fill the chasm 
created by the death of us. 
I refuse to believe
that love has to end in death
in pain
in tears.
I have tasted its glory
when our souls danced 
their slow  rhythmic dance
to the beat of our merging hearts. 

I buried us today
in a sweet ritualistic notion 
that somehow 
this would make it better. 
ease the pain; 
somehow resurrect us; 
renew the moments;
refresh your heart. 
it was a glorious ceremony. 
I felt the warmth of your kisses on my cheeks 
only to realize that it was merely slow sweet tears of remembrance... 
the kind that drift slowly down your cheeks
'til they kiss your heart 
and warm your soul.

This is my feeble attempt
to unfold the pieces
of my life
 look at each wrinkle
marvel at the intensity
of darkness
and  the light.
In the deep crevices 
I find ugly vile things
which lurk in the dark.
Oh, you can crumple them
in the corners
and the folds...
but they always seem
to sneak out 
when you're hungry
and you're cold.

early in my childhood,
I dreamed
of a life to come
until They snuck into the folds
and festered there
a dull aching remembrance 
of what I did not have...
 I existed in a void
of my pretenses
struggling to be happy
while demons gibed
from recesses in my mind.

One day the facade  unraveled 
in pieces on the ground
like humpty in the tales of children
I picked up the pieces, 
but left some behind, 
cutting myself on jagged edges.
In a strange way,
it was a good release
to see the red dreams flow 
amongst the cracks and crevices
drowning the awesome foes.
Yet, they never really died -
they just continued  to survive 
even though i tried.
One fine moment that crimson
blended with another.
Alien objects infused me -
wonderful and glorious -
magnifying me.
the archfiends we suppressed
had them on the run.
webs of time
began to weave
their usual snares
and the demons requited
snatching the only happiness 
I have ever tasted.

white shallow recesses of my mind
where precious memories abound
like the cumulous clouds
of sweet cotton candy
that melt on our tongues
when the grey creeps in
ever notice how
the cotton beads up
just when it is at it sweetest?

flat covered marble
with shades of grey
little white buds
in various array
of such are dreams made
of love and life and more
dreams of the fantasy
and life ever more
white picket fences
and gallant knights
rescuing damsels
and making it right
yellow sun shining
and golden adorns
twinkle and sparkle 
in place forlorn
wrinkles of moments
places to go
wondrous secrets
wanting to know
such are my fantasies
such are the dreams
but not such reality
or so it just seems

in the quiet folds of my mind 
a voice seems to linger
whispering the words
i'd rather not hear.
i choose to remember
the good and not bad
will not listen
will not hear
i want those sweet memories 
to go untarnished
yet in the cracks of my mind
that voice still persists 
in telling me secrets
that can not be real
i choose to have the embers
of a love oh so sweet
will not falter
will not change
I want  those sweet moments
to stay, and be mine
in those folds of grey mass
a voice can not live
whispering lies
giving me pain
I don't have to listen
i can love if i want
will not work
will not hear
I need my own thoughts
to keep you intact.

always knew there were time bandits
stealing our things
taking our treasures
and intimate dreams
don't know when i first  realized
but they do exist
when i look and look for my keys
its them
they did it
they took them away
don't know how i know it
but they take them away
for years we have tangled 
those bandits
and i
over little items
don't know why they want them
but they do anyway
but now this time is different
they're sneaky
and clever
wanting much more
don't know why it happened
but they are greedy today
first they only coveted my mind
my life
making me lost
don't know why that wasn't enough
but now they want more

Now they want what i need most
my love
my heart
snatching it away
do know why they need that
it's not theirs to take
they need to go back to stealing
my trinkets
my tidbits,
teasing my mind.
they can take the other
because it's not mine to hold

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