Three Wise Men

In the background of my mind,
I can hear the silent voices 
murmuring of days gone by. 
Tacit confidences of the sages...
"Listen and you will learn!"

There were three wise men
who brought forth great treasures
and presented them before me.
Each delicately unfolded the
exclusive keepsake of their soul
and shared their riches with me.
Each, in his own time, enveloped me
and devoured my essence;
only to turn, relinquishing his claim,
yet lingering, hovering-
a vulture circling its next meal-
until ultimately they all abated.

Lost and alone in the world, 
vainly searching for another sage
to feast upon my weaknesses,
I awoke to find myself in a strange world.
A recluse in this new reality -
all was lost; it was finished.
I spied three special treasures
amongst the rubble of my heart.
Gingerly, I opened each one.
They had been there all along  -
gifts from my magi.

The first had given me the gift of life -
cleverly embedding into my soul 
 the hope for things to come.
A magic time machine 
empowering me to never be alone
to cross the spaces into a joint time.

The next had given me the gift of joy -
carefully imprinting upon my self
the wonder of intimacies.
The unique ability to glow
allowing me to never be desperate
to seek the evasive truths.

The last had given me the gift of empathy-
gently ingraining upon my heart
 the peace that comes with love.
An  intricate union of minds
encompassing my very essence
to taste the fruits of  youth.

In the recess of my reason 
I still hear the reticent voices 
whispering of times not lost. 
Special wonders of the sages
I listened and I learned.
what good can come from bad?
It is just a matter of perspective!

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